Monday, October 6, 2008

"Hi Guys (wink wink)"

With a few days behind us to digest Gov. You Betcha's folksy performance at the VP debates, some are just now noticing (!!) that she avoided answering questions altogether (McSame's history of deregulation), or simply gave answers that didn't relate to the question (her weaknesses). The inartful dodging is probably why only 21% of undecided voters in the CBS poll said she "won" the debate with Sen. Biden.

Another feature of You Betcha's performance that's getting panned more was her winking from time to time. Many people - - especially working women - - are finding this behavior inappropriate for someone in a leadership position, much like the female flirt in the office who gets ahead on her physical features alone. The winking didn't help You Betcha come across as a serious person for many, and the "too cute for prime time" act may have worn out its welcome with all but the hardcore winger wankers.

(photo: Gov. You Betcha showing her VP qualifications of winking and talking at the same time)

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