Friday, October 17, 2008

Kraphammer Sheds a Tear for Obama

Wingnut columnist Charles "Kraphammer" Krauthammer is melancholy this morning. He writes in his column about how saddened he is that Obama(!) is playing the race card(!). Whether Kraphammer's sensitive ears have not picked up the loud dog whistling going on in and around McCrappy's campaign ("not one of us," "who IS Barack Hussein Obama?" etc.), or whether he knows full well what's going on and is laughably choosing to try to turn it around on Obama, well I think we know the answer to that one.

Kraphammer concludes that he thought Obama had earlier presented himself as "... a healer, a man of a new generation above and beyond race..." but, alas, not so: "I once believed him."

That's funny, because we never believed you.

(Photo: Kraphammer ready to hit the frying pan with the McCrappy campaign.)

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