Monday, October 27, 2008

Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye

The election's not over by any means, BUT:

Polls nationally and in battleground states continue to show Sen. Obama with a solid lead over Sen. So Long McAngry. Eight days left until the election; however, states allowing early voting are indicating heavy turnouts among newly registered Democrats and independents voting for Obama.

Note to Sen. McAngry: why not try the "angry Negro" strategy, and have McAngry jumped by Obama supporters? Ooops, looks like he's trying that (photo).

UPDATE: Even the race in his home state of Arizona is getting closer, with McAngry having a 4 point advantage (depending on the poll). His "ground game" seems to be, er, weak, while Obama's is surging.


  1. I'm trying my best to get McSleezy's state to turn blue! Wouldn't that be great?

  2. That would be a high point in the election. Send McSleazy back to his state after they've voted against him for Prez.
