Monday, October 6, 2008

"Past Associations"

Courtesy of Gov. Who? this weekend, we know the Rethugs (McSleazy campaign and their 527's) are going to start their desperate 30-day smear campaign on Sen. Obama by raising his "past associations" (silly, discredited linkages to Ayers, Wright, etc.) in an attempt to turn attention away from their disastrous economic policies. As we know, it's all they know how to do.

Well, the Obama campaign is getting out in front (hallelujah!) by raising the mother "past associations" for McSleazy: the Keating 5 scandal - involving issues that actually have a bearing on what this election is about: McSleazy, his judgement and ethics, and the current financial meltdown and the culture of greed that McSleazy has been a part of for over a quarter century.

Have at him!

(Photo: the Smear Machine Express back in the ditch)

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