Monday, November 10, 2008
Actions Have Consequences
Democrats are their own worst enemies when they appear to back down on an important matter. That's one thing that the Rethugs always count on. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid looks like he's getting shaky about what to do with Joe Lieberliar, based on yesterday's interview on CNN. Lieberliar not only campaigned actively against President-elect Obama, he shared the stage with Rethuglican Senate and House members up for election or reelection and lent his tacit support to them. He has no business chairing the Homeland Security/Government Operations Committee; he held no hearings in the last 2 years to hold Dumbya's feet to the fire, and he would only be a thorn in President Obama's side were he to continue to chair the committee. Allowing him to remain in the Democratic Caucus would guarantee that none of their deliberations would remain confidential. Democrats can harvest votes from moderate Rethugs such as Sens. Snowe, Gregg, Specter and Collins if needed. If Lieberliar wants to vote with Democrats from time to time, fine, but he needs to know that his actions have consequences.