Monday, November 24, 2008

Kurtz Wanker Watch

WaPo/CNN media "critic" Howie "Get That Job?" Kurtz has a new feature in his newspaper column "Media Notes." Howie calls it "Obama Adulation Watch," as it's intended to show how over- the- top the media are for Obama. Now why would a straight- shooter like Howie want to do that?

Well, what Howie has always failed to disclose is that his misspelled- but- appropriately- named wife, Sheri Annis, is a Republican commentator and strategist. And Howie, along with fellow right-wing water carrier Asshat Halperin, is wasting no time in trying to blunt the effect of Obama's landslide. Minimize it. Delegitimatize it. Whatever he can do to help his ideological brethren. So, look for Howie in the weeks and months ahead to use his column to reinforce post-election Rethug memes (the "librul media" won it for Obama, we're a center-right nation, Obama is just a "celebrity", where's the change?, etc., etc.).

So, henceforth, we'll be running a "Kurtz Wanker Watch" to keep tabs on the fella as he does his best (in his own small, and ultimately futile, way) to undermine the Obama administration.

(Photo: For post-election Howie, the "world turned upside down.")

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