Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Broken Media, Cont'd.

A number of talking heads in the media are jumping up and down in mock outrage that President-elect Obama won't break his commitment to the U.S. attorney prosecuting the case against Gov. Let's Make A Deal and talk about the case. Doing so, of course, would probably compromise the case, and thereby cause Rethug politicians to say Obama was obstructing justice, providing more excuses for the media to go on tut-tutting. Reading Campbell "Mmmm, mmmm, bad" Brown, you'd think that letting the justice system work was less important than our media clowns getting a "story." The "story" here, as we'll see eventually, is about a corrupt Governor that tried to deal a Senate seat for his personal enrichment, and that there were no takers on the Obama team. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said as much when the Gov. was arrested early last week, as did the criminal complaint itself.

Where was this indignation during the past 8 years, about a war started on false pretenses, about the Assministration's corruption and incompetence, and about Dumbya's lack of press access? They were too afraid of being called "unpatriotic" or "liberal" or of being cut off from their Government "sources" to stand up. Such bravery.

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