Friday, February 13, 2009

Fairness Doctrine Returning?

Congressional Democrats may be ready to take on right wing talk radio by reinstating the "Fairness Doctrine," which would require radio stations using public airwaves to provide balance in their on-air content. During St. Ronnie of Hollywood's regime, the Fairness Doctrine was dumped by St. Ronnie's Federal Communications Commission during the right wing's resurgence. Far-right bloviators such as Rush "Pills" Limpballs were given significant airtime to spread disinformation to angry and receptive "ditto heads." Wingnut-owned radio network conglomerates such as Salem Communications and Bonneville International then blossomed, with no balance of views presented in their programming.

We'll sit back and watch the wingnutosphere go ballistic over this possibility. Talk radio is their wholly-owned propaganda machine, and they won't give it up easily.

(photo: Mr. Ditto, still spreading his shitto)