Monday, February 2, 2009

Quote Of The Week

"The party's sole consistent ambition is to play petty politics to gum up the works. . . .the party has zero leaders and zero ideas. It is as AWOL in this disaster as the Bush Administration was during Katrina." -- NY Times columnist Frank Rich, describing the actions of Congressional Rethuglicans over President Obama's efforts to craft a bipartisan economic stimulus package. Read his whole column.

First, Obama travelled to Capitol Hill to meet with Rethug leaders, then he met with them at the White House, then he then stripped out some of the more clueless Democratic proposals from the package and included corporate tax cuts and other gifts for the Rethugs.

Then the President got the back of their hand when House Rethugs voted unanimously to reject the bill. And then the Rethugs proceeded to lie about the reasons for their vote.

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