Saturday, February 28, 2009

The "War" At Home

As the New York Times points out, the Obama budget for fiscal 2010 is a stark departure from the right wing philosophy of government begun by St. Ronnie of Hollywood starting in 1981. That philosophy emphasized tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, slashing Federal regulations and oversight, breaking the power of unions, and leaving such things as health care and education up to the market.

The Times article also points to the tremendous transfer of wealth from middle class families to the top 1 percent of income over the past few years. Income inequality grew under Rethuglican governments. The example used by Obama economics advisor, and former Treasury Secretary, Lawrence Summers is this:

"The increase in inequality. . . meant that each family in the bottom 80 percent of the income distribution was effectively sending a $10,000 check, every year, to the top 1 percent of earners."

So, when you hear Rethuglicans talking about Obama waging "class warfare", remember that they represent the interests of those top 1 percent who have been waging economic class warfare against the middle class for decades, and who have been winning until now.

(h/t, Rising Hegemon)

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