Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

The Rethuglican Congressional "leadership" is expected to unveil their alternative budget today, appropriately on. . . April Fools' Day. It's believed that, this time, there might actually be some numbers in the document, unlike last week's idiotic roll-out of a "blueprint" which contained little more than Rethug talking points and inane balloon charts, and which was met with almost universal derision. It's also believed that the document won't discuss out year deficits, because the Rethugs won't be able to explain how cutting the tax rate of the wealthiest Americans from 36 to 25 percent is going to plug that hole.

UPDATE: Wonkette has an update that's even worse that we thought: deep cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and programs for the poor and elderly, halt the stimulus funding, and freeze domestic spending for 5 years, while cutting corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy, and eliminating the capital gains tax for a year. Bingo! They've solidified their economic elitist base of 3% of the population!

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