Sunday, May 3, 2009

Great! Another WaPo Wingnut

With this morning's op/ed, "Detroit's CEO in Chief," the WaPo introduces its latest "free market" wingnut, Eva "Hoover Was Right!" Rodriguez. Whoopee! Just what the Post's readership was crying out for: another right-wing columnist, this one concerned about big bad gummint fouling up the auto industry. Whazzat? I was under the impression the "free market" meatballs had done that over the past 30 years.

Why add another Rethug, and why now? One can only assume George Will, Michael Gerson, Kathleen Parker, Charles Krauthammer, Wee Willie Kristol, Fred Kagan, and Paul Samuelson were feeling surrounded by the likes of... Eugene Robinson, E.J. Dionne, and Harold Meyerson??? Chalk this up as another win for Fred Hiatt and Marcus Brauchli, the Rethugs running the Post these days. Rodriguez, who began her career in Miami, represents the Fulgencio Batista wing of the Rethug party. We look forward to her next op/ed on Obama's surrender to the Castro regime.