Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The C Street Band

We've been enjoying the unfolding story surrounding a secretive group of Rethuglican wingnut holy-rollers that included Sen. John "Don Juan" Ensign, Gov. Mark "Gaucho Mark" Sanford, Sen. Tom "Preacher" Coburn, and former Rep. Chip "The Dip" Pickering. What binds the four wingers together is their residence at a Washington, D.C. townhouse at 133 C Street, which is essentially a dormatory for religious hypocrites cheating on their wives. It's also the center for a secretive religious fellowship known as "The Family", which has its own concept of morality for the powerful, as described in this interview with author and journalist Jeff Sharlett.

To think that these nutbags are considered serious people, and leaders of our country is almost too much. It's not surprising that they're now trying to "rebrand" their activities at the house on C Street. We can hear them now: "These wayward lads, all good Christians, need our spiritual counseling (pay the beotch off, Don Juan); yeah, that's the ticket."

1 comment:

  1. The Congressional Recess is coming. Don't forget to sign up for the Fellowship's Vacation Bible School.


