Friday, July 17, 2009

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III Wants Some Crack

We couldn't believe our ears yesterday during the Sotomayor hearings when that crazy redneck, Rethug Sen. Jefferson Beauregard "Cornpone" Sessions III told the previous speaker, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights' Wade Henderson, "we're going to do that crack cocaine thing that you and I have talked about before." Laughter broke out in the hearing room, which included such witnesses as NY Mayor Bloomberg and former FBI Director Freeh. An embarrassed Cornpone sputtered, "let me correct the record," indicating he was referring to penalties in crack cocaine cases. Freudian slip, Cornpone? Looking for that walk on the wild side?

And, speaking of wild side. . . .
This is Hackwhackers' 2,000th posting. When we began this blog in 2006, we didn't imagine we'd reach 200 posts, much less 2,000. We thank our vast worldwide readership for their encouragement and inspiration.