"Think about that. This isn't about me. This isn't about politics. It is about a health care system that is breaking American families, breaking America's businesses and breaking America's economy."We need this kind of strong pushback from the President and others on the Rethugs who are doing the multi-billion dollar health insurance industry's bidding, at the expense of the public good. Goodness knows the mainstream media can't be bothered with the details, or with calling out jackasses like Sen. Demented on their cynical disregard for the public.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Keep It Up, President Obama
It's a relief to see the President hitting back hard against the cynical Rethug establishment pols on health care reform. The President quoted South Carolina secessionist Rethug Sen. Jim "Demented" DeMint saying that health care would be Obama's Waterloo, responding: