Saturday, July 4, 2009

One Step Ahead of the Law?

In her announcement that she was resigning the governorship of Alaska at the end of July, Winky You Betcha alluded to "political operatives" looking for dirt decending on the state, and that she was the victim of the "politics of personal destruction." The reason for her abrupt departure may be more practical than that:
there are indications of a Federal probe into possible embezzlement and bribery by Winky and husband Todd the Tool. Think Progress has the story, which involves a building supply company that provided the materials for and built Winky's house in Wasilla, and which later received a $13 million contract from Winky when she was mayor of Wasilla to construct a hockey arena. Sounds sweet.

Stay tuned. It all looks rather sketchy for Winky to pull the plug on her political career so suddenly, doesn't it?

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