Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Quote of the Day - Halfwit Edition

"You'll have a lot of 'esplainin' to do." -- No, not Ricky Ricardo (Desi Arnaz). It's Oklahoma's (other) crackpot Rethug Sen. Tom "Preacher" Coburn, to Latina Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor today. Remember also this cucaracha is Sen. Don Juan Ensign's "deacon."


  1. Yesterday the Rethugs accused her of being empathetic and biased regarding ethnicity and judging with her heart. Then today supreme c**ksucker Coburn tried to bully her into stating her personal opinions about the only two issues his constituents care about: abortion and guns. He said that Americans want to know "what's in her heart" concerning these issues, no matter how many times she said that she cannot answer in the abstract but must look at each case and the relevant statutes and precedence. Tom, I thought empathy and biases had nothing to do with judging!
