Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Winky in the Rear View Mirror

Both blind squirrel Richard Cohen and Pulitzer Prize winner Eugene Robinson give Winky You Betcha the political post-mortem treatment in today's WaPo. Nuggets:

"She is unfit for office...Naming Palin to the GOP ticket was the most reckless decision any national politician has made in the longest time, and while it certainly says something about McCain, it says even more about his party. It has lost its mind." [Cohen]

"There are basically two reasons the political class and the commentariat continue to speak and write about Palin as if she were a substantial figure whose presence on the national stage is anything but a cruel, unfunny joke. The first is fear - not of Palin and her know-nothing legion, but of being painted as elitist and sexist...The other reason Palin is taken more seriously than she deserves is that she has a constituency. Heaven help us." [Robinson]
