Saturday, August 15, 2009

Umm. . . .Oops!

A couple of high profile "detainees" have made the news:

First, Bob Dylan was stopped by police in Long Branch, NJ while strolling through a neighborhood back on July 23. He was peering in the window of a house for sale. "How does it feel, to be on your own, with no directions home, like a complete unknown. . ."

Second, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan was detained for a couple of hours at the Newark Airport before the Embassy of India intervened, and Khan was released to continue his flight to Chicago. Indians regard Khan as we would regard a combination of Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, and the Jonas Brothers. . . except viewed by a few hundred million more people.



  1. I am not outraged because he was detained but becuase of the reason being that he has a muslim name. Do people in USA have any idea how many "khans" are there? Probably more than the population of a large US city. What will we think if suddenly people named Miller, Kennedy, John, Scott, Jeff were being detained or because you are of christian or jewish faith? By the way I am a US citiizen and not a muslim, but a hindu and proud to have an Indian heritage.

  2. No Matter whether its Bollywood celebrity or any celebrity or legend, when it comes to national security no compromise. Instead cribbing about this issue, the actor should cooperate. Being an American Citizen,i know wat we have been through

  3. I agree with jason. As far as Mr Khan, Boo Hoo cry me a ghandes river!!! Be a man go through the screening and move on. As if the security or americans were supposed to know who you were. And if we did, we don't care. When it comes to national security NO ONE is exempt.

  4. Of course, there should not be any compromise and all people coming in should be subject to scrutiny. But also, there should not be any unnecessary questioning/ harrasement. Please remember that this is not the first time Mr. Khan has been to the US. Is there no record of his past arrivals? And, if there isn't enough information in our system, all they had to do was google his name!! How can his name be confused with someone else's? if he can be subject to this confusion, think of how many other people are being held up and questioned (unnecessarily) on a daily basis. These are all inefficiencies of our systems/processes that we should be courageous enough to face and work hard to remove. It only makes sense from economic and moral points of view.

  5. According to some Indians in Mumbai Mr. Khan is a muslim terrorist and puts his views in his films. I know who Bob Dylan is and that story amused me no end but I had no idea who Mr. Khan is and by the looks of him - He ain't no Johnny Depp. LOL - he doesn't even look like the Gov of Louisiana - another ugly guy. I dislike any kind of Muslim and am happy my taxpaying money is going towards humiliating a fag like Khan. Grow a pair and move on. Do you even know what happens outside your ivory towers in Mumbai? People in India - your own country are starving because they refuse to kill bugs and eat meat. Screw them.

  6. All they had to do was google his name? WTF? So youre going to base our national as something as unsecure as the internet. Bottom line he is not a US citizen so he should have been questioned and detained until positive ID was established. Loose policies such as those could have contributed to 9/11. Have we learned nothing? Big deal he is famous in India. That means absolutely NOTHING!!! Kudos to those personnel that detained him, at least they weren't asleep on their job. Mr Khan is a baby with no spine and respect for our country and it's security policies.

  7. Friggin Big Deal! So was Ted Kennedy- and the single blond girl who they suspected of trying to get an illegal nanny job....

    Face it - the American wanna be Rambos get jobs at TSA and turn into muppets.

    Just like some of the others posting there f* idiot comments on this blog.

    If you only knew what the real hackers (like Bruce Sneider and others) are doing to test the system...

    Good thing he has a hotline to some polticians. Can't wait to get some of your redneck arses onto the DB to get you free rectal labotomies.... HA Ha
