Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wipe That, Um, Smile Off Your Face

One of the numbskulls at Sen. Specter's town hall meeting in Lebanon, PA was a woman by the name of Katy Abram. When called on for her question, she had a rambling speech, which sounded like a Glenn "Boo Hoo" Beck transcript. Miss Katy was later interviewed on Fux News, and, peering into the future, served up a world class howler:
"I don't want my children coming to me and asking me, 'Mom, why didn't you do anything. Why do we have to wait in line for, I don't know, toilet paper or anything."

BWAHAHAHA! That is what you get when you expose people of limited reasoning power to the lying bloviations of people like Boo Hoo Beck and Pills Limpballs, not to mention the health insurance industry-owned Rethuglican Party, who will always have plenty of toilet paper -- because of what they generate.

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