Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Wisdom of Solomon

With the release of documents relating to the Rove-inspired firings of U.S. Attorneys under the Bush Assministration comes evidence that John "Oink-Oink" Solomon, former Fred Hiatt fair-haired boy at the WaPo and now executive editor at the Moonie Times, was offering advice to the Bushies about containing damage as news of the political nature of the firings leaked out. What business do people like Solomon, Hiatt, and any number of anonymous hacks have being employed as "journalists" you might ask. Why indeed, since their only interest seems to be to serve the holy bottom line and cozy up to the powerful, Rethug-wired special interests that share their cynical view of life inside the Beltway.

(Photo: step away from the trough, Oink-Oink)

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