Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lieberliar's Unhealthy Move

Sen. Joe Lieberliar (Aetna-CT) announced yesterday that he would side with his Rethug partners in voting against a public option in the Senate health insurance reform bill. In a typical profile in courage, Lieberliar waited until the Democratic leadership announced that an opt-out public option would be in the Senate version of the bill before peeing in the Democrats' punchbowl. In so doing, he's on record as favoring no change in the status quo. . .big surprise.

Now we see how Lieberliar rewarded President Obama and the Democrats in the Senate after they forgave him for aggressively campaigning against the President in 2008, and allowed him to be the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Oversight Committee (which he's used recently to pimp the Fux News inspired Obama "czar" phony controversy). At the first strategic opportunity, the Senate Dems need to kick him out of their caucus and strip him of his committee leadership. Let the Rethugs claim him; he was never our 60th vote anyway.

: driftglass has a recap of Lieberliar's betrayals here.

UPDATE 2: Paul Begala points out that Lieberliar opposed President Clinton's health care reform initiative in the '90s -- even when it didn't have a public option.

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