Thursday, November 12, 2009

Our Broken Media, Cont'd

Balloon Juice's John Cole wonders why exposing the lies of the far right and their demagogues in the wingnut media falls to Jon Stewart on Comedy Central, rather than, say, the mainstream media. Case in point: Stewart's mocking of Uberschmuck Sean "Heil" Hannity's obvious fakery on the unimpressive crowd size at last Thursday's teabagger ragefest in D.C.

The mainstream media (see ABC's Jake "Tippy" Tapper, for example) really have no interest in pointing out and correcting provable lies (they might be called "biased" toward the truth). Instead, they see their job as scorekeepers in the who's up/who's down game of Beltway politics. They are especially unobservant of lies manufactured by Rethugs, as we saw during eight years of Dumbya and the Dick, but especially ferocious when going after phony "issues" that work against the Dems.

When Saturday Night Live and Jon Stewart have to correct the record that mainstream "journalists" fail to correct, the laugh is on us.

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