Monday, November 16, 2009

Prominent Conservatives Abducted (?)

Quick! Alert Boner and Missy McConnell, Boo Hoo and Manatee! This could be a job for Chuck Norris! It seems three prominent conservative activists have been abducted and a forged letter has been released in their names supporting the Obama administration's decision to bring Gitmo terrorists to federal prison in the U.S.! It must be forged, right?

Unless this is an elaborate hoax (in which case this posting will magically disappear), credit must be given to David Keene, Bob Barr and (ugh) Grover Norquist for co-authoring a letter sent to conservatives telling them they had no problem with the administration's plans and that, furthermore, the Rethugs should stop "scaremongering" about the relocation of Gitmo detainees. Who'da thunk it?! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get in the shower...

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