Thursday, November 5, 2009

Quote of the Day

"When your captain's crazy, it's time to find a new ship." -- a conservative Rethuglican congressman commenting on Rep. Michelle "I See Commies" Bachmann's chief of staff quitting after only 9 months on the job. Certainly, Crazy Michelle's nuttiness must have been a factor, as well as her unfamiliarity with the truth.

BTW, today Crazy Michelle is heading up a Fux News-promoted teabagger rally* on the Capitol steps to protest a House bill that would guarantee decent health care for all Americans.
*which seems to have drawn upwards of 3,500 wingers in what Crazy Michelle called "the Super Bowl" of freedom; more like the Tidy Bowl of Cluelessness. . . [mff snicker mff snicker]. . . oh what the hell, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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