Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Say Cheesecake!!
We love Newsweek's cover of former Alaska Gov. and snowbilly grifter Winky You Betcha. Never has such an image captured the clueless essence of Winky. It also reflects the casual, "screw-America-Alaska-first" philosophy of Winky (and her secessionist hubby Todd "The Bod"). The disrespect of the American flag is clear, but we'll bet the mortgage that nobody in the Wingnutosphere will comment on it (nor will the tools in the MSM). But as Newsday notes, Winky is grumpy about the photo, which was taken with her permission and cooperation for a spread in "Runners World" magazine.
It's always someone else's fault, right Winky?
Keep doin' your thing, Winky, and don't let the intellecshuls and e-leets change your game. You represent that 20% of Americans who are dumber than dirt, but think that you're the answer to their prayers.