Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wanker of the Month

The month's not even over, but Matthew "Li'l Quill" Continetti of Wee Willie Kristol's "Weekly Standard" shitzine has retired the trophy for November with this nugget from his review of Winky You Betcha's ghost-written book:
"Like a lot of people, as soon as I got my copy of Sarah Palin's 'Going Rogue,' I immediately thought of the German literary critic Hans Robert Jauss."

Really? That was what jumped to mind? You and your small circle of friends need to get out more often, "Li'l Quill" (Matthew is destined, thanks to his pompous prose, to be the next George "Quill" Will)!

What I immediately thought of when I read "Li'l Quill's" review, as well as when I think of Winky You Betcha, is that Republican archetype Hugh Jass.

(Photo: "Li'l Quill" Continetti, purveyor of pretentious twaddle.)

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