Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ya

MoDo's column in today's New York Times zeros in on the change in Sen. John McNasty's mood over the past year. The former darling of the media ("my base") and self-described "maverick" who occasionally went against his party's grain, seems to be all about obstruction and partisan behavior. Surprise! McNasty isn't the noble independent conservative that he once pretended to be.

It now looks like the "cause greater than ourselves" that McNasty always exhorted us to aspire to was McNasty himself. After he lost last year, he has shown himself to be the bitter, belligerent right-winger that we knew he was all along. Imagine the shock -- shock! -- to his media barbeque buddies who are seeing that he's not the cuddly old curmudgeon that they made him out to be.

(photo: "I'm through getting shot down")

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