Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winky Turns Up the Heat. . .Or Maybe It's Just Nature

Former Alaska half-term Gov. Winky You Betcha has found herself in a tiff with California Gov. Schwarzenegger over climate change. As you recall, the Washington Kaplan Daily published an op-ed column last week that someone wrote for Winky that called into question whether global warming was caused by human activity. Ahnuld spoke up a couple of days ago and wondered whether Winky was "really interested in this subject, or. . .interested in her career and winning the (Rethuglican presidential) nomination." (oo oo, we know the answer, teacher!)

Well, Winky climbed back on her hobby horse and tossed a few verbal spitballs at the Governator on her policy vehicle of choice: Facebook. The thin-skinned Winky wondered why Ahnuld was pushing environmental policies that led to deficits and unemployment in California. To which we say, good point, Winky: conservation of fossil fuels and greater use of renewable energy sources is indeed the secret cause of our fiscal problems, as are death panels and reading newspapers and magazines.

(photo: Winky knows better than 2,500 climatologists and other scientists; you betcha!)