Today's lead editorial in the Kaplan Daily is a prime example of the "mainstream" media's compulsion to find a false equivalence between left and right, no matter how much twisting and stretching they have to do. Does anyone in their right mind view the extremist, violent language and threats being thrown around in the past year as the responsibility of anyone but the right and the Rethug political class? Anyone except the numbnuts at the Kaplan Daily editorial board, that is?
When the history of this time is written, it will note the failure of so-called journalists to report facts and not try to balance the acts of violent nuts with... what? A stray bullet purportedly fired at Rethug Rep. Eric "No We" Cantor's Richmond not-office? As more facts on this particular side-show come out, it's guaranteed Cantor um... stretched the truth about this "incident" in order to portray a false equivalence between the hundreds of threats, windows broken, gas lines cut, and other outrages perpetrated by right-wing nut balls and... a "stray bullet." And the Kaplan Daily? Fell for it as you might expect.
(Image: The Kaplan Daily editorial board)
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