Monday, March 29, 2010

Do As We Say, Not As We Do

Have you ever wondered how so many tea baggers can afford the time to travel around the country marching against health insurance reform and a government that lowered their income taxes last year? As the New York Times reports, that's because a large number are unemployed and receiving unemployment benefits, or are retired and living on Social Security and Medicare. Despite the fact that they're on the Government teat, tea baggers want smaller government, and apparently, a return to abusive practices by health insurance companies (among them, dropping coverage for the unemployed).

Well, in the words of the President, we say "go for it." And remember, tea baggers, that it's Rethuglicans like "Jim Beaned" Bunning and Tom "Dr. No" Coburn who are holding up your unemployment benefits which allow you the resources to display your ignorance and hypocrisy at these rallies.

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