Tuesday, March 23, 2010


As President Obama and Vice President Biden stood together this morning in the East Room, the crowd of Senators, Congressmen and special guest broke into a chant of "fired up, ready to go!" from the 2008 campaign. And yes, they are. The momentum is back, despite months and months of right-wing resistance and disinformation.

Moments later, the President signed into law the landmark health insurance reform bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, immediately changing the face of health care in America and assisting more than 30 million Americans and small business owners afford health insurance. Some of the insurance industry's worst practices will end this year: denying coverage for preexisting conditions, canceling insurance coverage when you get sick, and other games to maximize profits. Delusional Rethugs in Congress are making noise about repealing the law. Even George "Quill Pen" Will thinks that's a pipe dream for at least another generation. What Rethug will campaign on taking affordable insurance away from 30+ million Americans, or on going back to health insurance industry worst practices? On going back to an unsustainable situation? Here's hoping many of them drink the wingnut Kool Aid, and try to sell that to independent voters in November.

(photo: Associated Press)

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