Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Screwball

Rethuglican Sen. Jim "Jim Beaned" Bunning, a former pro baseball pitcher, is gaining more and more attention for holding up a bill that would extend unemployment benefits to some 400,000 laid-off Americans, and fund Federal highway projects. His latest outburst was caught on camera by ABC News, when he flipped the bird to a producer for the network.

We haven't determined whether Jim Beaned was beaned by a pitch during his baseball career, but he's had a history of odd behavior. Even some equally rabid winger Rethugs are getting impatient with the erratic Senator from Kentucky. Last year, fellow Kentuckian and Rethug leader Mitch "Missy" McConnell was doing everything in his power to discourage Jim Beaned from running for another term this year. After many months of pouting and strange behavior, Beaned finally gave in and decided to retire after this year. But not before he throws some public tantrums to get the attention he never got during his sub-par tenure in the Senate.

(image: Years ago, Jim Beaned was known for, not known as, a screwball)

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