When you call yourself a conservative and legal icons of the right -- including former Judge Kenneth Starr and former Solicitor General Ted Olson -- say you're "out of bounds" and "unwise," you have descended into the depths of fringe-right hackery. That's where The Dick's evil spawn Liz "Lizard" Cheney finds herself after her organization ran ads this past weekend smearing 7 lawyers now working for the Justice Department for providing defense counsel for Guantanamo detainees in the past -- as requested by the Pentagon. Starr and other luminaries of the right -- to their credit -- published a rebuke of Lizard's Joe McCarthy-like smear. More of that kind of push-back would be welcome.
UPDATE: Glenn Greenwald notes that Bushit Assministration speechwriter Marc "The Weasel" Thiessen defends Lizard's smear on, what else, the op-ed page of Fred Hiatt's Kaplan Daily. This is the same standards-free paper that prints Chuck Kraphammer, Wee Willie Kristol, the Kagans, and every other neocon fabricator that they can find to rewrite history.
(photo: The poop didn't fall far from the butt)
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