Friday, May 14, 2010

The Grand Old Par-tay Indeed

Where are the Rethugs holding their 2010 national convention? Why, in Tampa, Florida, "the lap-dance capital:"
"A reputation can sometimes be hard to shake and the city of Tampa has a reputation it would probably like to eliminate. For the past decade some have called Tampa the lap dance capital of the world.

Paul Allen, the founder and publisher of NightMoves magazine, says he hears about the city's reputation all the time. He believes the shear number of strip clubs in the Bay area has undoubtedly contributed to the city's rep.

'In greater Tampa Bay, I think the last count is around 56 different clubs that are adult-oriented,' he said."
To which we say: bwahahahahaha. The Shizzle strikes again!

(photo: After the tap dance, the lap dance!)

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