Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spill, Baby, Spill

Not to make this "Winky Week," but we couldn't let pass the latest twisted pretzel of thought from the snowbilly grifter and former half-term Governor of Alaska. She's making the stunningly dishonest claim that if oil drilling had been allowed in "safer drilling areas", like the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, drilling the Gulf wouldn't have been necessary. She's also tried to distance herself from her "drill, baby, drill" mantra, where she called for increased off-shore drilling (remember earlier this year when she said Obama's expansion of off-shore leases was too little, too late?).

Trying to pivot off of an unpopular position without anyone noticing is proving to be Winky's m.o. It's having the unintended benefit of providing valuable video tape of her hypocrisy, should she ever run for public office again.

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