Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Thank You, Sir, May I Have Another?!"

Fellow Rethugs are furious over Rep. Joe "Not A Smart 'Un" Barton (Rethug-Big Oil-TX) for letting the cat out of the bag and apologizing to BP's CEO Tony "I Want My Life Back" Hayward. See, aside from wingnuts like Oxycontin Rush Limpballs and Minnesota loon Michele Bachmann, they didn't want the public to know how much they identify with Big Oil, or any other bank/ corporation/ or Wall Street firm until at least after the 2010 midterms. That way, they can keep their numbnut tea bagger base and the rest of the voting population from knowing just how much they owe to Big Oil, etc., and how it's all in tune with their e Coli/ bridge collapse/ oilmaggedon laissez faire philosophy.

At least Barton, though not a smart 'un (he's also a climate change denier), is honest about his crackpot views.

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