Saturday, June 12, 2010

These "Young Guns" Are Old Farts

The National Rethuglican Congressional Committee is in the business of recruiting new candidates to run for seats in Congress. Their aim is to "mobilize a new generation of conservative leadership," and they're calling them "Young Guns." Looking at a Daily Beast story, via Think Progress, it looks like "new generation" in Rethuglican-speak means "Geritol generation": the average age of the so-called "Young Guns" is almost 50, and more than half of the 22 members are over 50 and eligible for AARP membership. Bwahahahaha!

Voter demographics are not working in the Rethuglican / New Confederate Party's favor, with more young people and growing minority populations identifying as Democrats. So while the "Young Guns" would seem to reflect the essence of the Geriatric Ol' Party, it's really bad news for them in the long run. Again, bwahahahaha!