Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fux Reports, White House Panics

The wingnut Wurlitzer is constantly pumping out rumors, distortions, and fabrications 24/7 in their zeal to topple the Obama Administration. One of the most unhinged of these wingnuts is Andrew "Not So" Breitbart, who ran an edited video on his right wing website that purported to show a U.S. Department of Agriculture official, Shirley Sherrod, at an NAACP event claiming to have discriminated against a white farmer. Not So Breitbart was eager to flip the "tea bagger movement has racist members" story against the NAACP, so he publicized the deceptive video and Fux gleefully ran with it over and over.

Of course, a viewing of the entire video completely vindicated Sherrod, and the white farmer she helped came strongly to her defense. But not before the NAACP and Obama Administration fell for the right wing smear; she was denounced and fired from her job by an Administration fearful of . . . .what Boo Hoo the Hoot Beck was going to say about it. Seriously.

Bravo, oh fearless ones. Cowering in fear of wingnuts seems to be the only consistent position this White House is comfortable assuming. Their actions embolden the wingers to produce more false slime, after their successes with the phony Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, ACORN, etc. "controversies" that the Village media dwelled on ad nauseum.

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