In a bit of unfinished business left over from the Nixon years, an Air Force General, John Lavelle, who was demoted for allegedly ordering bombing runs over North Vietnam, is being posthumously restored to his previous rank, after it was determined that President Richard "The Crook" Nixon actually ordered the bombings. The Crook not only failed to step forward and admit that Lavelle was following his orders, he lied in public when he called for Gen. Lavelle's resignation for disobeying orders. We're shocked, SHOCKED! at The Crook's behavior. So unlike him.
It seems that the Rethuglican / New Confederate Party embarked on a darker road beginning with The Crook and his crew. The Southern Strategy, campaigning with smears and personal attacks, the unholy alliance with the American Taliban / Moral Majority all happened from The Crook onward. This is just another reminder of the time when the Rethugs started to lose their way.
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