Monday, August 30, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Consider Beck's claim that his speech marks "America" turning "back" to God, and the exhortation that we turn "back" to what made us great. The unbearably obvious implication of these quotes, and of the title of the rally itself, is that someone or something has tarnished our honor and turned America away from God and American greatness -- presumably two sides of the same coin."-- Greg Sargent, blogging at the Kaplan Daily site. He's picked up on key -- and loaded -- theme words that both Boo Hoo and Winky are pushing: turning back, returning, restoring, etc. What these radical right-wingers are yearning for is a return to the '50s, or earlier, when corporate deregulation, white supremacy and other fetishes of the right were accepted. No we won't.

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