Monday, August 2, 2010

The Shizzle Is Punked

It's Monday, so it must be time for another political blooper from Rethuglican National Committee chairclown Michael "The Shizzle" Steele. This time the gaffe machine was interviewed by someone that he thought was a big donor, and proceeded to brag that he could beat former Sen. Norm Coleman for the RNC chairmanship if Coleman runs against him. The caller turned out to be a freelance reporter from New York.

Frankly, no one is betting that The Shizzle will last much beyond the 2010 mid-term elections, given his multiple monumental screw ups this past year, from the RNC's bondage-themed night out to the "get outa Afghanistan" debacle. Fundraising by the RNC has been a joke. But don't tell The Shizzle he's on the skids, he has more bloopers to produce before his time is up.

(illustration: The Shizzle's new business card)

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