Chalk up another one to the magic of Mama Grizzly herself, Winky You Betcha. Fellow Mama Grizzly Karen "The Messiah" Handel, who was endorsed by Winky and Mittens/Muff/Willard Romney, lost her Rethug gubernatorial bid to former congressman Nathan "Shady" Deal. (Half the fun is making up the nicknames, right?) Shady Deal, who was endorsed by Poot Gingrich and Mike "Huckleberry" Huckabee, accused The Messiah of being "too liberal" (OMG!). Following her loss, Handel endorsed Shady Deal, although some of the comments she made about him will live on into the general election. A sampling: Calling Shady Deal "a corrupt relic of Washington," she said he should stop "squealing" about negative ads and put on his "big boy pants."
Shady Deal now faces former governor Roy Barnes in November. Let's hope Mama Grizzly will endorse Deal and her magic touch will continue.
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