Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Let's See, It's M-e-r. . .no, M-i-r. . ."

Alaska Rethug Sen. Lisa "Murky" Murkowski lost her primary to teatard candidate Joe "Brawny Man" Miller, and now has announced a write-in campaign for November's general election. To that we say, "You go, girrrrll!" Undoubtedly, Murky's chances are, well, murky for a couple of reasons. First, the teatard right has already gone for Bounty Man, so she'll get most of the people that voted for her in the primaries, but not that many more. Second, writing in her name might prove to be a major hurdle for the intellectually challenged Alaskan voters, who actually elected someone like Winky You Betcha as Governor. Can you imagine them trying to spell her name correctly on the ballot? Neither can we, but if she can split the reactionary vote with Brawny Man and a Libertarian who's also running, maybe Dem candidate Scott McAdams can edge closer to a plurality.

(photo: Murky faces a rematch with Brawny Man)

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