Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Teatard TV

Move over, Fux: Teatard TV has come. Some Hollywood wingnuts, including Kelsey "Bad" Grammer, are backing the effort to get right-wing pap aired on their own cable channel, cleverly named RightNetwork. Bad Grammer, who's been married three times and had substance abuse -- and spousal abuse -- problems in the past doesn't seem to be the ideal sugar daddy for the family values teatards who are expected to sign up. Also, there may be a problem getting the right-wing content to actually "entertain" anyone beyond the mouthbreathers. As Ithaca College journalism professor Jeff Cohen notes,
"Comedy requires irony. It can't be frothing with hate or fear. Drama requires complexity. It can't be all black and white."
Hmmm, comedy can't be "frothing with hate or fear." That excludes a lot of their material. Drama can't be all "black and white." Well there, the teatards might prove us wrong. After all, they've made a pretty good run at black and white drama for the past 18 months.

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