Sunday, September 19, 2010

Winky Finishes 5th Behind Old White Guys

Assorted wingnuts and American Talibangelists assembled in D.C. over the weekend to spout nonsense, discredited right-wing platitudes, and borderline sedition. The self-described "Values Voter Summit" also produced a straw poll for the 2012 Rethug / New Confederate Party nomination. The winner? None other than obscure Indiana Rethug Rep. Mike "Tup" Pence. Tup Pence won the polls for both the presidential and vice presidential positions. The rest of the field? Alaskan grifter Winky You Betcha came in fifth (!!) in the presidential poll behind such unelectable stalwarts as Poot Gingrich, Mike Hucksterbee, and Mormon heathen Mittens Romney. Which goes to prove that Winky's support is a mile wide and an inch deep among her natural constituency, certainly not what the shiny-object-following media would have us believe.

(photo: Regardless of the poll, "Values" voters liked Winky's sporty secessionist look)

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