Thursday, November 4, 2010

# 3,000

This is our 3,000th blog post since we started Hackwhackers in December 2006. The number isn't really more significant than 2,000, or 1,358 for that matter. But it does give us an occasion to stop and thank our loyal readers here in the U.S. and around the world (Mexico, Canada, Netherlands, Russia, Brazil, U.K., Germany, Norway, Puerto Rico in the last week, for example). We're running an average of about 700 page views per day, which is about 698 more than when we first started. It's humbling to know so many are dropping by to see what the Hacks are laughing about, irate about, or just simply appalled about. Thank you and keep hanging in there with us.

(Photo: Fireworks display in the Hackwhackers' back yard on the occasion of the 3,000th blog post.)


  1. Thank you for my daily reality check. There are sane people out there! Congratulations! P.E.C.

  2. Thanks to our good friend and faithful reader P.E.C. We do it for readers like you!

  3. Congrats Hackwhackers! Here's to another 3,000 posts!

  4. Bobi WK - Thank you and give our best to Chi 3-P-O !
