Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Empty, Laughable Threat of the Week

"If the Republicans abdicate that responsibility to govern for political purposes, they will pay a price. And we will make sure they pay a price." -- A "Senior Administration Official," quoted in today's Kaplan Daily, on the White House's "trust but verify" approach to dealing with Rethugs, following the capitulation on tax cuts. Surely, the Rethugs are quaking in their Guccis at this threat -- after all, the Obama White House has been so adept at playing hardball with the wingnuts (e.g., see "Quote of the Day," below). Also, whose "responsibility to govern"?? We thought the Democrats still controlled the White House and Senate.

Perhaps the "price" that will be extracted by the White House boobs will be to leave nasty notes in their desks in 2012 when they clean out of the White House for the incoming Rethugs.

(Image: We are finally able to identify the individual being rogered -- it's one "B. Obama.")

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