Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dee-Fense, Dee-Fense!

Showing an extraordinary amount of defensiveness, the far right is furiously spinning the tragedy in Tucson as something the Dems are taking advantage of. Initially, they set up a straw man, claiming that their critics were tying shooter Loughner directly to right wing kooks like Nevada's Sharron "Right" Angle and Minnesota loon Michele "I See Commies" Bachmann -- who famously called on her constituents to be "armed and dangerous" last year, among other incitements. On the contrary, Dem public officials have been careful not to make any direct link between Loughner's actions and violent rhetoric by Rethuglicans.

From pill-popping hate speech king Rush Limpballs to unhinged conspiracy peddler Boo Hoo Beck, the right has unleashed a coordinated damage control campaign to redirect the spotlight from their incendiary language. Stay tuned to see how the mainstream media, which is usually cowed by the likes of Limpballs and Boo Hoo, will treat their spin.

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