Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Time to Go, Joe

Senior Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberliar (Party of Joe-CT) is announcing that he won't seek another term in the Senate. Lieberliar, who was on the Dem ticket in 2000, but turned on the Dems, embraced (literally) Dumbya and McNasty and played the skunk at the picnic during the health insurance reform debate. He was one of the most aggressive backers of Dumbya's decision to attack Iraq, and was widely seen as Israel's most faithful voice in the Senate. However, his poll numbers in Connecticut were abysmal, and chances were he'd be defeated in the 2012 election anyway.

No word on what his post-retirement plans are, but he's been such a good representative for the health insurance companies that he may wind up on K Street. Thanks for your "service," Joe, and don't let the door hit you etc., etc.

(photo: One last kiss goodbye)

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